Download or order a manual for your Lantech machine no matter when you bought it.

Download your manual or contact us to order a manual
Have your Serial Number and Access Code ready when downloading. Serial Numbers and Access Codes can be found in the machine documentation or on the ID Tag located on the machine.
All manual formats include the following information:
- Safety
- Installation
- Operator Instructions
- Maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- BOMs & Drawings
Call us: +31 (0) 485 751 770
Email us by submitting the form below.
*NOTE: Manual downloads are only available for stretch and case equipment for 5 years after the machine has shipped. For example, you can download a manual for a machine that shipped in 2018 until the end of 2023. There is no limit to the number of times you can download your manual during those 5 years. If your machine is older than 5 years, please contact our Parts Department to order your machine’s manual.
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