Lantech publishes guide with tips for FMCG supply chain damage prevention.
Studies show that the root cause of about 50% of towel and tissue damage in transit can be traced to a root cause related to stretch wrapping. That translates to significant underlying cost in the towel and tissue supply chain.
Often damage in transit is accepted as an inescapable fact, and costs are buried in sales credits and allowances which may obscure the actual impact on manufacturers’ bottom lines. But the damage is real – and costs real dollars.
Lantech is committed to helping FMCG companies stop this bleeding and has published a new guide with simple, actionable steps that can be implemented in every operation. Focused on key criteria for effectively wrapped loads, the Lantech guide covers containment force, load to pallet bond and film tails.
Shea Sutherland, Lantech Director of Marketing added “This is the newest of our guides which we publish to help companies understand the role of stretch wrapping their products, improve operations and, when appropriate, develop criteria to select the best stretch wrapper for their product and operation.”
The guide, entitled “Stop the Bleeding!” will educate you about three things you need to know about stretch wrapping in the tissue and paper industry. As well as three concrete steps for implementing effective stretch wrapping practices, and concludes with a short guide to effective stretch wrapping.
Companies that stretch wrap towel and tissue products or other FMCG items can download the guide for free at here and immediately benefit from the information on recovering lost profits and avoiding brand erosion.
About Lantech:
In 1972 Lantech made an impact on the world by inventing the stretch wrapper and changing the way companies package and protect their products for shipment. Now, billions of pallet loads are stretch wrapped every year. Today we build case and tray handling machines in the Netherlands and stretch wrappers in the United States, with sales and technical support worldwide. Over the years our business has been built on innovation, customer support and the mission to dramatically reduce shipping damage globally.
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